Twelve Infallible Men focuses on the role of narratives of the imams in the development of a distinct Shiˀa identity. During the tenth century, at a critical juncture in Islamic history, a group of scholars began assembling definitive works containing accounts of the...
November, 2022
4 November
Religious Diversity in Contemporary Shi‘i Thought: The Views of Ayatollah ‘Abdollah Javadi-Amoli and Professor Mahmoud Ayoub
This book analyses the views of two contemporary Shi‘i thinkers, Ayatollah ‘Abdullah Javadi-Amoli and Professor Mahmoud Mustafa Ayoub, who have tried to deal with the challenges posed by the above three types of theology from an Islamic...
2 November
Imam Hasan al-Askari: A Brief Excursion into the Life and Thought of the Fourteen Immaculates
The brilliant sun of Islam dawned like the appearance of lightning among the stormy events of history, illuminating the world of humanity which was in darkness with its radiant light, illuminating the hearts and minds of the people whom it made aware of and invited to the possibility of....
October, 2022
30 October
Book: Music and its Effects
In this booklet, the author discusses the detrimental effects of music on our lives. He talks about the origin of music and its effects from various points of views. He also discusses what the Qur'an and narrations of the Ahlul Bayt have to say on...
29 October
Book: The Shī‘ah and Islamic Disciplines
The invaluable legacy of the Household [Ahl al-Bayt] of the Prophet (may peace be upon them all), as preserved by their followers, is a comprehensive school of thought that embraces all branches of Islamic knowledge. This school has produced many brilliant scholars who have...
26 October
New Released: Islamic Theological Sects: A Textbook
The English translation of "Textbook of Theological Sects and Religious Sects" compiled by Mortaza Maddahi and translated by Hujjat al- Islam Mohammad Reza Peysepar in order to introduce some of the views of Islamic scholars to the...
17 October
The Divine Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad: Debates of Prophet Muhammad with Scholars and Representatives of Five Religions
The book which is translated from Ihtijaj al-Tabarsi presents a compilation of debates of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) with scholars and representatives of other religions including Judaism, Christianity, atheism, dualism and...
14 October
The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad (S)
In The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad, leading Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan considers the ways in which the Prophet's actions, words and teachings can guide us in the....
10 October
Opposing the Imam: The Legacy of the Nawasib in Islamic Literature
In this book, Nebil Husayn examines the enduring legacy of the nawasib, early Muslims who disliked ʿAli and his descendants. The nawasib participated in politics and discussions on religion at least until the ninth century. However, their virtual disappearance in....
8 October
Al-Šarīf al-Murtaḍā’s Oeuvre and Thought in Context: An Archaeological Inquiry into Texts and their Transmission
This book is a detailed analysis of the reception and transmission of the doctrinal, legal, literary, and exegetical oeuvre of al-Šarīf al-Murtaḍā, arguably one of the most important thinkers of the medieval period, within and....