Ayatullah Zanjani’s great grandfather was the late Ayatullah Haj Sayyid Muhammad Mujtahid, a well known faqih and revolutionary of his era, who struggled against the misguided sect of Babiyyah. Bab Mulla Muhammad Ali was assassinated according to Sayyid Muhammad Mujtahid’s fatwa which resulted the end of this corrupt sect’s activity.
Ayatullah Zanjani could get many licenses from his masters in Ijtihad, and when he returned from Najaf Ashraf and resided in his place of birth, he began to teach intellectual and traditional sciences, Irfan (gnosis), tafseer, guiding, struggling against corruption and misguidance especially among the youth.
Ayatullah Zanjani could strengthen the situation of Hawzah Ilmiyyah of Zanjan (which has been established and known many years before the Hawzah of Qom) with the assistance of many eminent scholars and marji`s of Najaf Ashraf and Zanjan during his last trip to this city in 1968. At that time, fair and enough monthly salary was being paid to the Hawzah’s students.
1- Speaking about Hazrat Zahra’s (s.a.) personality.
2- Commentaries on Hazrat Zahra’s (s.a.) oration.
3- The criterion of polytheism in the viewpoint of the Holy Qur’an.
Ayatollah hajj Sayyid Muhammad ‘Izz al-Din Husseini Moosavi Mujtahid Zanjani was born in 1921 in a learned family of Zanjan.
His father Ayatollah Mirza Mahmoud Husseini Zanjani was one of the outstanding Iranian clergies. His father trained many great scholars including: Ayatollah Sayyid ‘Izz al-Din Husseini Zanjani, departed Ayatollah Sayyid Mahmoud Taliqani, departed professor Reza Roozbeh Zanjani, and Ayatollah Sayyid Hujjat Hashimi Khorasani.
Political Activities
After Islamic revolution, He was appointed by Imam Khomeini as a Friday prayer imam at the city of Zanjan. Later, he came back to Mashhad and continued his scientific activities beside the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.).
He was teaching for more than 30 years in seminary of Mashhad. He trained many students through teaching khārij-e fiqh wa usūl (high level of teaching seminary lecture not based on reading textbooks), Qur’an commentary, theology, beliefs, and philosophy.

Emphasis on Teaching Philosophy and Rational Sciences
He was among the few imitated authorities of the present time who, beside jurisprudence, usūl (jurisprudential principles), and exegesis; was an specialist in mysticism and philosophy. He was fully knowledgeable about rational sciences. He put considerable importance on the courses of beliefs, philosophy, and Qur’an commentary.

There were many persons from European countries who met him when he was living in Mashhad. Every year many people came from France and Germany to enjoy his expertise in philosophy and mysticism.
Authority of Imitation
Ayatollah Zanjani, through appealing some devout people of Zanjan, published his practical treatise in 1975 under the title of Jāmi‘ al-Aḥkām in the holy city of Mashhad.

Some of his compilations are as follows:
Risāleh-e Jāmi‘ al-Aḥkām, Risāleh-e Tawḍīḥ al-Masā’il, Muntakhab-e Tawḍīḥ al-Masā’il, Manāsik Ḥaj wa ‘Umreh-e Mufradeh, Sharḥ-e Khuṭbeh-e Ḥaḍrat Zahra (A.S.), Ḥikmat-e Fāṭimī, Tafsīr-e Sūreh-e Mubārakeh Ḥamd, Rāh-e Rastigārī, Justārī dar Bāb-e Islam wa Īmān, Muṭāriḥāt Ḥawl Mi‘yār al-Shirk fī al-Qur‘ān, Mi‘yār-e Shirk dar Qur‘ān, Sharḥ-e Ziyārat-e Āshūrā, and 110 Pursish wa Pāsukh.
Some Scientific and Moral Characteristics
He was very courteous, kind, companionable, modest, open-faced, and forbearing. He used to answer the questions of youth precisely and very patiently; therefore university and seminary students mostly preferred him to ask their questions.

He was enthusiastic about mourning meetings for Imam Hussein (A.S.), and venerating Imam’s symbols, to the extent that he has held weekly mourning meetings for Imam Hussein (A.S.) in his house at Mashhad for more than 35 years.
Ayatollah Husseini Zanjani, from Others Point of View
Departed Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Hadi Milani, in the letters that have written to Ayatollah Zanjani, has addressed him by the titles like: “the body and soul of goodness”,” … of the world”, “assistant of Islam”, and “learned”.
Departed ‘Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Tbatba’i, in his last TV interview, responding the question that which one of your students was your special disciple who could be considered reliable in the field of Islamic philosophy; at first mentioned the name of martyr Murtaza Mutahhari, and then mentioned Ayatollah Husseini Zanjani by the title of “imam Zanjani”.
Ayatollah Sheikh Ali Falsafi, the disciple of Ayatollah Khu’i, in a meeting called him “the most learned among the scholars of the city”.