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Wisdom Inherent in the Establishment of Daily Prayer

The book is covering a vast range of topics that affect modern man. It covers the social, political, family, economic and spiritual issues in Islam and addresses positive solutions with the implementation of the daily prayer.

What is the relationship of prayer (Namaz or Salat) with establishment (Qeyam)? Why Salat has so strongly been bound with instituting it? Why in Qur’an, wherever Salat appears, the word “establish” (Qeyam) precedes it?
To seek the answer to these questions, this book is a humble attempt, while confessing limitations in my knowledge.

The book is written by Sayyid Muhammad Musanna and translated into English by Sayyid AbulQasim. Absolutely incredible book covering a vast range of topics that affect modern man. It covers the social, political, family, economic and spiritual issues in Islam and addresses positive solutions with the implementation of the daily prayer. A must read for Muslims and very interesting for non-Muslims looking for depth and direction.
The book is not on the form and the method involved in saying prayers, but is based on the wisdom inherent in establishing and instituting prayer in the Muslim society. This wisdom, which is the subject of the book must be widely transmitted among the Muslims and passed on to the next generations. In doing so our prayers will be protected from malpractices and negligence.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Wisdom inherent in the establishment of daily prayer

Author:  Sayyid Muhammad Musanna

Publisher:  Ansarian Publication

 Language: English


ISBN:  0-941724-21-2

Pub. Date: 2014/12/04

About Ali Teymoori

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